Can a Locksmith Make a Laser-cut Key?

If you have been wondering “Can an emergency locksmith make a laser-cut key?”, then you are not alone. Laser-cut keys are used by vehicle owners all over the world. Not only are they more secure, but they also provide many additional features in comparison to traditional keys. Laser-cut keys are more difficult to make and usually come with luxury vehicles including imported cars.

Qualities of laser-cut keys

A laser-cut key is a key providing high security and accurate information used by vehicle owners globally. Only trained workers and high quality equipment can make these keys. With a laser-cut key, your car gets an additional security layer since these are not easy to replicate. Laser-cut keys require special design knowledge and equipment to recreate. Not only keys, but also ignition systems in cars are challenging to remake due to their unique design.

There are many differences between usual keys and laser-cut ones. In terms of design, laser-cut keys are thicker in texture and are cut in the middle by engraving a groove on either side. Because of this design, either side of a laser key can be inserted into a lock. This makes laser-cut keys heavier than regular keys.

Further, many laser-cut keys consist of a remote head unlike traditional keys that come with a plastic cap. A remote head combines the remote feature in the car with the key’s metal side. All laser-cut keys contain a transponder chip within them whereas all traditional keys do not have a similar chip.

Laser cut Key

Is more security available with laser-cut keys?

One of the advantages of using a laser-cut key is that it offers an extra layer of security to your vehicle. This makes auto-theft occurrences difficult thereby giving you greater satisfaction. A laser-cut key can only be duplicated by a dealership or a locksmith. In contrast, traditional keys can be cut quite easily using industry tools that are used to cut any type of key.

In addition, a person needs highly specialized tools to cut into a laser-cut key. Since a slight amount of error in the duplication process can result in malfunctioning keys, it is not possible to replicate it using any ordinary tool. To make your keys functional, you will require an electronic machine to duplicate your original set.

Considering the amount of security it needs, a laser-cut key is more costly to obtain because of the kind of equipment that it requires to make it. Luxury cars most commonly use laser-cut keys since their complex build and electrical systems require security. For more information about price, consult your local locksmith.

Emergency Locksmith Service in Kansas City

Can a locksmith make a laser-cut key?

In case you have lost, misplaced or simply want a duplicate copy of your keys, a professional locksmith can be of assistance. A reputed locksmith can provide a range of services for commercial and residential properties. Auto locksmith services include making laser-cut keys, repairing ignition systems, and other functions pertaining to vehicles having any model and make.

If you need assistance with making a laser-cut key, consider talking to Speedy Locksmith. Speedy Locksmith is a licensed, bonded, and insured company serving Kansas City and the surrounding areas. We can help with providing all locksmith related and automotive emergency services including being the best answer to your question “Can a locksmith make a laser-cut key?”
