Does Ace Hardware Do Laser-Cut Keys

In case you have been wondering, “Does Ace Hardware do laser-cut keys?”, we have the answer for you. Ace Hardware is an international hardware retail company which provides almost all kinds of equipment you need for home and work. This includes but is not limited to home improvement tools, sports equipment, garage accessories, and much more. When it comes to getting your laser cut keys done, Ace Hardware stores in Kansas City are an excellent choice.

Does Ace Hardware do laser-cut keys?

Ace Hardware specializes in producing a wide range of duplicate keys to meet your needs. They can program and make transponder keys, traditional keys, and laser-cut keys. They can also program automotive key fobs for a variety of vehicle models. You could purchase keys from Ace Hardware and have them programmed or cut according to your needs.

In addition to laser-cut keys, you could also get transponder keys made at Ace Hardware. Each transponder key comes with a built-in code that is programmed into your vehicle’s ignition. Replacing transponder keys is challenging since it requires extensive training and advanced technology. With the help of professionals and high quality products at Ace Hardware, you can avail replacement transponder keys.

Valet keys can also be duplicated at Ace Hardware. The valet key typically unlocks the driver’s side door and is used to start your vehicle. It cannot be used to unlock your vehicle’s trunk or any accessories. This key is ideal if you need to give your key to someone for driving but want to keep your personal items safe. If you want to duplicate a valet key, you must bring the actual key set during the duplication process.

If you would like to duplicate your key fob, you can get it done at Ace Hardware as well. In case your key fob was part of the system that was installed by a factory, you can get it replicated. If it was an add-on, then it cannot be duplicated since it was not part of the car’s original internal system. Ace Hardware can help you figure out whether your key fob was installed by the factory or is an add-on.

laser-cut keys

How does Ace Hardware make laser-cut keys?

Any trained automotive expert can help make your laser-cut keys for you. With assistance from special cutting equipment, laser-cut keys are cut in the center which is done by marking a groove on either side of the key. This design allows either side of a laser-cut key to be inserted and operated in your vehicle.

Costs of getting your keys done at Ace Hardware

Since laser-cut keys provide high security and require special equipment to be made, the cost of getting them done is much higher than that of making regular keys. For instance, the cost of duplicating keys for vehicles that are ten years or older is anywhere between $2 to $8 per key. Depending on the number of keys that you want to have, the cost of getting laser-cut keys costs between $50 to $300. Remember that to cut or program any key at Ace Hardware, you have to purchase it from them.

Locksmith in Kansas City

If you need further assistance with getting laser-cut keys, contact Speedy Locksmith today. Speedy Locksmith is a licensed, bonded, and insured company serving Kansas City and the surrounding areas. We can help with providing all emergency locksmith and automotive emergency information including answering your question “Does Ace Hardware do laser-cut keys?”
